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Writer's pictureThe Pleiadian Group of 8

Plastics & You

Ascension has a lot to do with plastics!

Nowadays, everything we buy comes wrapped in a piece of plastic. Most of these plastics will end up in a landfill, or worse, become food items for creatures like whales.

A starseed from the US just asked me to speak of plastic pollution and the plight of sea animals. This happens to be an issue I feel passionate about and consider a top question to address. 

So I asked my guides, the Pleiadian Group of 8, to shed some light on the plastic problem on Earth and below is their message.

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Dear ones,

As your Pleiadian Family of Light, we are back on Earth to help you solve the plastic problem as well. Plastics (and microplastics) have become a monstrous force of “white pollution” that damages human health, endangers wildlife, and destroys the ecosystem. 

Speaking to you from the 5th Dimension of love/light, we can see the plastic problem on Earth from a higher angle, and thus can offer you an enlightening view. With this brief message, we wish to bring to your awareness three key points about plastics.

3 Key Points About Plastics


Plastic is a low-consciousness low-tech product.

The Plastic Age began at the start of the 20th century and plastic waste became a spiraling global problem in recent decades. 

“Humans set over 9 billion tons of plastic loose on the face of the earth between the 1950s and 2015—enough to bury an area the size of Argentina ankle deep.” -

Plastics (and synthetic materials in general) are products of an industrialization driven by a human-centered profit-seeking Capitalist system, which is running on a Take-Make-Discard mentality. 

This mentality doesn’t respect Earth or honor the way of nature. A low consciousness as such can only produce a barrage of plastics that may be blessings to humans but are curses to other organic beings. 

Bad plastics are what you have. They can’t decompose fast enough; they spread to all places where they don’t belong, including the sea and the air. Such plastics are toxins to planet Earth, and such kind of man-made material can’t be called a high-tech invention.


A dark force wants to trap humanity in a plastic wonderland/wasteland. 

It is time for Earth humankind to become aware of a hidden force that has been driving human technological development—on the wrong track. This Anu Force of Darkness has hijacked the civilization that we had seeded in the Neolithic era and derailed it onto a dangerous path.

The Anu Force has been utilizing human creativity to achieve its end goal of space colonization. It uses humans to abuse Earth: to exhaust her natural resources and turn the beautiful Gaia Garden into a gigantic wasteland in space. 

It feeds on the energy of chaos, disharmony, and sickness. The more garbage dumps on Earth, the better for this parasitic force operating in the astral realm.

Earth humankind has been deeply deceived by this trickster force that dazzles human minds with so-called “high-tech” inventions while cutting humanity off from the energy field of Mother Earth. It aims to imprison humanity in a synthetic world—an artificial bubble that pretends to be a paradise.



Humanity can turn a plastic dump into a plastic portal. 

Yes, you can solve the plastic problem! The key word is “transformation.” 

The power to turn the nightmarish situation completely around is within you. If you tap that power, you’ll be able to clean all of your plastic wastes deposited so far and create much better types of synthetic material.  

This transformation would require a radical shift of consciousness, which would then lead to a drastic upgrade of green technology. Only an Earth-loving consciousness can produce an Earth-loving technology, which then produces Earth-loving materials. 

The new consciousness will guide you to turn bad plastics into good plastics.

On the one hand, those scientific inventors among you will develop new forms of Waste-to-Energy techniques and facilities. The entire wasteland on Gaia can be turned into a power source for heat and light. On the other hand, superior biodegradable plastic materials will be invented to replace the current low versions. 

Plastics don’t have to be an enemy to Earth. The future of civilization depends very much on what kind of plastics humanity will make. 

You can choose to upgrade your synthetic world and take the Plastic Age to the next level.

There will be amazing new plastics in the coming Age of Light—ethereal plastics, if you will—that function as a wonderful material support for all living beings on Earth. 

The future is bright, dear ones!

All it takes is for you to turn around and face the sun. You’ll see that a plastic pit of stifling darkness is transforming into a plastic portal to infinite sunlight.


Channeler’s Note

I envision, in the near future, every household will have a neat little appliance called a Garbage Transformer or Trash Converter. 

The incinerator (even portable for camping) can burn all types of plastics without emitting toxic fumes. The only problem with burning plastics, as you may know, is the release of toxins into the air. 

This future device can efficiently transform toxins into eco-friendly substances during the burning process—it has a Toxin Neutralizer built into the furnace. 

I still think fire is the best way to transform plastic waste into plastic fuel. I'm a believer of the power of sacred fire, and feel what Gaia needs is an Alchemical Fire at Dawn that burns away all human trash dumped on her body in the Night.

What we urgently need is a Toxin Neutralizer.

Can somebody invent it?

Can you be the one?

Trillions of dollars have been spent on inventing new weapons to kill, or new ways to land on the Moon, instead of developing a technology that takes care of what’s most urgent in human life.

Waste management is a top priority of human life. We are hurting other species and ourselves through mindless dumping. The pain of that whale with 40 kilos of plastics in its stomach is our pain, for at the deepest level, we are one body of a Gaian life.

I hope this message will get you started in thinking or rethinking about plastics. This is a critical issue that confronts every one of us waking up at Dawn.

If one hasn’t thought of plastics at all, it’s a sure sign that one is still asleep. 😴

The great awakening at Dawn has much to do with this mundane thing called plastic. 

Of course, we can’t just sit and wait for some inventor to come up with a Garbage Transformer to solve our problems. We must take action now and do whatever we can.

What to do?

This will be the topic of my next message, Zero Waste Living

“Worldwide, about 50 kg of plastic is produced annually per person, with production doubling every ten years.”

- Wikipedia

I shall end this message with

a question for you:

“How’s your relationship with plastics?”


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