google2b4a14f3a5a6d00d.html Newgrange Winter Solstice - Pleiadian Initiation - Birth a New You as Child of Light
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Pleiadian Family | Qin-Ra

Newgrange - Winter Solstice - Initiation

Writer's picture: Qin-RaQin-Ra

1. What It Is About 

2. How to Prepare

Newgrange - Earth Womb - Pleiadian Temple


The Newgrange Child of Light Initiation is a new Pleiadian tradition that began in 2020 and takes place yearly during the winter solstice.

This self-initiation rite is guided by Pleiadian builders of Newgrange, who have returned in the 21st century and activated the 5,500-year-old temple to assist in the rebirth of humanity.

Designed to represent the Earth Womb, Newgrange now serves as a megalithic Gaian Womb, facilitating the spiritual rebirth of humankind. 

The rebirth rite entails that an individual enters (spiritually, not physically) the Gaian Womb temple of Newgrange and lets oneself be born into the light of the winter solstice sun, thereby becoming a Child of Light.

Newgrange winter solstice Pleiadian Initiation

By doing so, the newborn individual begins a new relationship with the Earth and the Sun—whose love union brings forth the source of life—and starts a new timeline of personal life in harmony with a planetary Gaia Timeline, leading to a bright future for humanity.

This rite allows the initiate to transition from a dark path to a bright timeline, marking the end of an old era and the beginning of a new one. It signifies the starting point of a journey toward becoming an awakened, healed, and liberated “new human on a new Earth.”

The Pleiadian path to the new Earth is free and accessible to everyone, regardless of their geographic location. However, at this initial stage, the rite is particularly suited for highly independent individuals—those who wish to be path-makers and trail-blazers.  


1) Read a Little

2) Watch a Little

3) Meditate a Lot

1) Read a Little

Pick a few from the list below to get the basic idea: 

About paradigm shift

About relationship with Earth & Sun

About Newgrange

About Child of Light

2) Watch a Little

Watch the annual spectacle of the winter solstice sun shining into the chamber of Newgrange.  

Don’t be misled by the official narrative labeling Newgrange "a tomb."

Consider the Pleiadian narrative of Newgrange as a womb.

3) Meditate a Lot

Meditation is a way to go inside and reconnect with one’s true state of being. The best method, in my opinion, is the classic way of sitting in stillness, silence, and emptiness.

You can also practice walking meditation to achieve stillness, silence, and emptiness for your mind while your body is in motion.

"Be still, be silent, and be empty!”—this is the hardest thing for the human species right now, as our world is being bombarded by frequencies that make us go berserk. Yet, this hardest thing is the best solution to many of our problems, and the best care we can give to ourselves in this turbulent time.

You’ll need Samadhi Power (the ability to concentrate) to conduct this solitary act of self-initiation. To accumulate Samadhi Power, you’ll just have to meditate a lot. 

The exact peak point of 2024 solstice

is around Dec.21 9:20 UTC.

But you can choose any time frame

during the three-day period (Dec.20, 21, 22)

to perform this rite of self-initiation.

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