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Justice Will Be Done

Justice - A Pleiadian Overview

Pleiadian View on Justice

Dear Ones,

Besides reassuring you that “Light shall prevail!” we want to strengthen another of your core beliefs: “Justice will be done!”

For over a year, you Fighters of Light have been fighting for peace and justice across the globe. However, the situation in Europe and the Middle East continues to deteriorate, and the Test of Gaza is becoming increasingly difficult.

What’s been tested again and again is your faith in justice.   

At the moment, it appears that injustice is prevailing while justice is retreating. It’s challenging not to feel a sense of defeat or despair when your fight for truth, justice, and peace has been met with an escalation of violence.

We reassure you that justice will be done. However, it won’t be done right away. The reason for this delay must be understood in the light of spiritual insight.

You may have heard the saying, “Justice delayed is justice denied.” 

The statement (attributed to Martin Luther King) holds some truth. Your sense of justice is often accompanied by a feeling that there is a time limit for achieving it. The real question you are grappling with is, "When will justice be done?" This "when" is the issue we want to help you understand here. 

The “when” is tied to “where.” By that, we mean where you stand as a viewer. 

If you find yourself on the ground level during an unjust event, your sense of time is often limited to the span of a human lifetime. In contrast, when you observe from a higher vantage point, your perspective expands to encompass epochs that can last for generations, centuries, or even millennia.

We invite you to take a higher “sky” perspective and watch the events unfolding on Earth. This broader overview will give you a clearer understanding of what is happening and will naturally expand your sense of justice, reinforcing your belief in it.

The Overview

You the human race are traveling through a chaotic period during the liminal phase of Dawn. The chaotic nature of this period makes it impossible for justice to do its work in a prompt and triumphant way. 

Justice is a fundamental aspect of the orderly side of the universe. Bear in mind that our universe operates according to two main principles:

Order & Chaos

When chaos dominates, the orderly, peaceful, and harmonious elements are being suppressed and delayed.

Justice also comes from the light side, while injustice arises from the dark or shadow side. You can’t expect a shadow to “do justice” to the other shadows. The only energy that can do justice is spiritual light.  

Justice has traditionally been linked to light in human understanding, often referred to as “the light of justice.” No one would describe it as “the darkness of justice.” However, there is significant evidence of what might be termed “dark justice,” where the innocent are punished while the guilty are rewarded.

Famous examples are the genocide of Native Americans and the enslavement of Africans, which resulted in a prolonged and systematic reward for the perpetrator group under the authority of a mighty colonialist empire. 

No need to convince you that many instances of "dark justice" have occurred. Deep down, you know that such isn't the real justice. You are beginning to awaken to a startling truth that your world is filled with deceit, and one of those deceits is fake justice.

Now, allow us to sow in your mind a revolutionary idea:

“For 5,000 years, the human race on Earth has been living in an unjust system.”

Let this seed idea grow in your mind. It can help you rethink your economic, financial, social, judicial, cultural, and spiritual problems in a new and enlightening way. 

Vortex at Dawn

We return to the overview. From the “sky” vantage point, you can observe the chaotic vortex that unfolds at Dawn. The vortex of energy resembles a whirling storm cloud that collides contradictory elements—the true clashing against the fake. 

At times, the light of the true shines through, while at others, the shadow of the fake dominates the scene. The alternation will persist for several more decades. This back-and-forth movement is what you can realistically expect.

In spite of that, the victory of light and the triumph of justice will manifest in the timeline. The series of events will transpire as an inevitable sequential happening (instead of a Judgement Day type of scene) on a macro scale of time.

This “when” in the future might seem too far for a human individual on the ground level of a micro event, but imminent for a human collective watching from the sky. 

You, the awakening ones at Dawn, must rise to a higher vantage point where you can observe events on Earth from the perspective of the human collective, taking into account a wider span of time. In doing so, you will transcend your personal limitations and realign yourself with a cosmic force that truly runs the show. 

“There is universal justice!”

Let us reassure you.

Universal Scale of Justice

Universal Justice

Channeler’s Note

I'd like to add two points to this message channeled from the Pleiadian Group of 8

1. Reincarnation

If you believe we have only one lifetime, it might seem true that "justice delayed is justice denied." 

If you believe human souls will continue to reincarnate in the timeline—in different bodies, races, and locations on Earth—it would make sense that "justice will be done!”

2. Inner Acts of Justice

Sincera (leader of the Pleiadian Group of 8) also gave me the following advice:

Besides having a clear overview, we can “do justice” privately and quietly on the inside until justice is done on a social scale on the outside. 

In other words, we keep the Flames of Justice burning in our hearts, no matter how vicious the assailing storms. Relentless attacks will be unleashed against us, Children of Light, who dare to challenge a mighty empire. But we will never lose our sense of what is right and never succumb to the rule of despair. 

Perhaps you've been wondering, "Why was the most important question left out of this message?"

It was a deliberate choice on our part. Both Sincera and I believe it is important for you to think about the question and come up with your own answer. 

This question is a crucial part of the Gaza Test, and neither you nor the human race can skip it. The question is:

What is justice?


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