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Writer's pictureQin-Ra

Zero Waste Living

How to Do It as a Child of Light

Read my previous message:

A Child of Light can do more than adhering to the 5 Rs of Zero Waste Living and I’ve come up with 3 additional Rs. 

But first, who is a Child of Light and what is Zero Waste Living?

A Child of Light is an adult person who is awakening to one’s multidimensional true self, remembering one’s essence as love/light, and living to serve love/light. Every human on Earth is potentially a Child of Light (read more: Child of Light page). 

Zero Waste Living is a new lifestyle that aims for releasing into the environment as little as possible wastes that aren’t biodegradable, with zero amount being the ultimate goal. (read more: Zero Waste Wikipedia). 

Bea Johnson, a lead thinker/activist from the movement, has formulated five principles for action, commonly known as 5 Rs:

REFUSE the things that you don’t need.

REDUCE the things that you do actually need.

REUSE what you consume.

RECYCLE only what you can’t refuse, reduce, or reuse.

ROT (compost) the rest of your waste.

Bea Johnson’s 5Rs of Zero Waste

For us, Children of Light, the 5 Rs feel to be yearnings from our souls instead of rules like a set of Green Commandments. It’s not difficult for us to practice the 5Rs even though we find it challenging to get to zero. 

The problem with the Zero Waste Movement so far is that a) it is lessening instead of solving the pollution problem, and b) it lacks a strong spiritual component.

I believe we Children of Light can take the Zero Waste Movement to the next level. There is something in our Child-of-Light nature that enables us to do so.

Here, I list three special qualities that a Child of Light possesses, which enable us to operate on a level above mainstream environmentalism.

3 Traits of a Child of Light

1) Unity Consciousness

A Child of Light experiences Earth as one energy field and therefore doesn’t see the planet as a separate background thing—an environment. We Children of Light feel ourselves to be organic parts of a planetary one-body. It's no longer an “environmental problem” but a “one-body problem” that we are working on. 

 2) Multidimensional

Aware of living in multiple dimensions, a Child of Light can see problems from higher angles, can get to the root level of everything, and can go beyond superficial short-term solutions. Moreover, a Child of Light is allied with multiple spirit guides and aided by many beings of light. 

3) Transformative

Everything is energy, frequency, and vibration to a Child of Light rather than a solid thing. This dynamic orientation lets a Child of Light access the transformative power of the Source. The universe is alive in our eyes, and all forms can be transformed. 


These three aspects of a Child-of-Light Consciousness make us feel that the 5Rs of Zero Waste Living are the least we can do: they are our bottom lines. However, we want more!

I’ve thought of three additional Rs we can do. These 3 Rs from Qin-Ra express the deepest desire in me as a Child of Light/Child of Ra here to serve Gaia.

3 Additional Rs

from Qin-Ra

1. REVERE (the Earth Spirit)

Not just respecting Earth as a planet, but revering (i.e., honoring, listening, and following) Earth as a spirit who’s communicating with her human children. Gaia, the soul of Earth, is guiding us each step of our way in healing her ecosphere. 

2. REBIRTH (a new humanity) 

Recycle is passive, and so is rot. Yet rebirth is active. 

Rebirth means regeneration: creating a new form by transforming an old form of energy. It’s an act of innovative creation, which lets us transform garbage dumps into fertile lands, plastic waste into plastic fuel, and hell into heaven. We can turn those wounded spots on Gaia’s body into new power spots. While we rebirth a new humanity within ourselves, we assist Gaia in rebirthing a new planetary body for the Age of Light.

3. RETURN (to the Source)

Everything has to return to the Source, from which a new energy can be reborn. 

All our ecological problems can be boiled down to one issue: man-made things unable to return to Gaia’s source (i.e., not biodegradable).

All our efforts can be summarized as one act: to assist all forms of energy to flow back to Gaia’s source (i.e., to help things break down and become zero again). 

Plastics are Gaian materials that can be brought back to Gaia’s source. What we do is ensure that no synthetic waste sits in Gaia’s system for too long, thereby forming an energy blockage. Healing Gaia’s body is just like healing our human body: by removing energy blockages, we restore the original healthy state. 


These three additional Rs can add a much-needed spiritual component to the Zero Waste Movement. I believe a spiritual component as such is the missing link between the problem of the world’s ecological crisis and the final solution. 

Altogether, the 8 Rs can form an 8-fold path that rotates in harmony with the Wheel of Life, symbolized as an 8-Spiked Dharma Wheel.


I think you’d agree, what the world needs is a new consciousness that puts Gaia back on the altar of the human heart.

It is about humanity entering a brand new relationship with Gaia. 

Down to the personal level, it is about each of us asking the question daily: “What can I do for you, Mother Earth?”

As for me, I want to contribute to Gaia a pile of gifts instead of a pile of waste. I want to leave behind a trail of light instead of a trail of garbage.  

What about you?

If you are a Newgrange-born Child of Light like me, you’ve initiated a new relationship with Earth, Sun, Moon, and the universe. 

A new you have been symbolically reborn inside the womb temple of Newgrange (which is a miniature Earth Womb). You are now living as a Child of Light inside a planetary and cosmic Womb of Light, your essence being infinite light and endless love.

For you, every form of energy can be transformed into the Source Energy of love/light. A trail of trash is just something that awaits your magic touch so it can turn into a trail of glittering light.

Everything can be transformed into love/light.



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