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Pleiadian Family | Qin-Ra

3 Levels of Being Human on Earth

Writer: Qin-RaQin-Ra

At which level are you?

The vast majority of humans on Earth are living in what I call the “Me & My Family” Mode. 

This is an operational mode in which one’s primary focus is the survival and advancement of “Me & My Family”—with little or zero concern for planet Earth.

At such Level 1 of human consciousness, Earth is regarded as a background thing called "the environment" to which a person pays hardly any attention. The planet is taken for granted as a silent provider who gives humans whichever they want and lets humans do whatever they wish.

Running rampant on this level, however, is a feeling of scarcity. That there is not enough on the planet for everyone to have a good life. Therefore, Me & My family has to compete or even fight with Him & His family. 

Family, in a broad sense of the word, includes groups, societies, and nations. Whether big or small one’s sense of a family, at this level, Me & My Family always sits at the center as the organizing force.   

The question asked by people at Level 1 is:

“What’s good for Me & My Family?”


At Level 2 of being human, planet Earth is not excluded from one’s awareness but included to varying extent. A person’s concern in life includes Me & My Family & Earth

This third factor of Earth remains a component of one’s reality. He or she feels responsible for the well-being of Earth and takes action to prevent and reduce pollution. He could be a public environmental activist, or she a private practitioner of Zero Waste Living. What people at Level 2 have in common is the awareness of Earth as an organic being inseparable from the human world.

Nevertheless, when it comes to decision-making, one’s first priority is still “Me & My Family” while Earth remains a secondary entity. The welfare of Earth can be sacrificed if one has to make a problematic choice to secure the existence of Me & My Family. 

Many at this level feel a conflict between these two sides of the welfare: that they had to damage and pollute the Earth so that their Me & My Family can survive. The thoughtful ones at this level find themselves in an existential dilemma, unable to reconcile the tension between human development/civilization and the needs of other species cohabiting the same planet. 

The question asked by people at Level 2 is:

“What’s good for Me & My Family & Earth?”


At Level 3, the order has changed into that of “Earth & Me & My Family.” The number one person for humans at this level is planet Earth. These people are dedicated to the healing, transformation, and ascension of Earth into a higher vibration zone, that of love/light. The Me & My Family part lives to serve the Earth part.

Common among humans at this level is that Me & My family stop being an issue that they worry about or even concern themselves with. They live in a state of deep trust, knowing that Earth will take care of us if we take care of her first. These brave ones are living on faith. 

It doesn’t mean that they don’t take responsibility for self-care. Rather, they are walking a mystic’s way, or a shamanic path, which would require them to live as a greater self instead of a small ego busy figuring out strategies for survival.    

At one point in their journey, these souls have made a decision to totally trust Earth. For them, Earth is not just a living organism but a soul/consciousness; Earth is a divine spirit who guides, protects, and supports her human children. They’ve entered a spiritual relationship with Gaia, the Soul of Earth. Every day, they communicate with Gaia and follow her guidance.  

The question asked by people at Level 3 is:

“What’s good for Earth?”

(and things will work out

for Me & My Family)

From Level 1 to Level 3 is a natural process, that of an evolution of consciousness. Evolution implies going higher in consciousness and becoming lighter in vibration.

What makes Level 1 the lowest state is the human alienation from an abundant energy source—Mother Earth. People at Level 1 live in a mental state of separation, fragmentation, and estrangement, which produces an emotional state of fear, anxiety, and anguish. They are cut off from a fertile planetary energy field.

What makes Level 2 the middle station in a journey of consciousness is its half-spiritual half-materialistic orientation in understanding what the planet is. Earth is no longer a dead planet, yet not a fully alive & conscious one, and far from being a sacred one. The arrogance of humanity is still running through this level, which leads to humans looking down on Earth as a powerless victim, in need of human salvation.

What makes Level 3 the highest state is the restoration of the divinity of Earth and the reverent attitude that ensued.

Earth is back on the altar of the human heart.

The love/light of Earth is seen as the essence of life, and celebrated as the source energy of the very existence of Me & My Family. Therefore, one lives in a loving bond with Gaia and through that, the universe.

Such a high state is in fact Earth humankind’s birthright

My Note

So, at which level do you find yourself?

Don’t feel bad if you are not near Level 3, or even Level 2. The purpose of my creating this message is to show you an overall picture and a sense of direction, not to make you judge yourself by another hierarchical yardstick.

As there are kindergarten, middle school, and college levels in an educational system, the evolution of human consciousness goes through an organic process of growth, from seeds to leaves and fruits. Each stage is important.

We are in a radical shift of consciousness and rapid transformation of reality. During the revolutionary portal phase of Dawn, one can ascend from Level 1 to 2 and then 3 within a short period. 

That’s what “awakening” is about. All of a sudden, you wake up from a hypnotic trance and see the true reality of where you are.

You are inside the Earth Womb

& loved by life itself.


Use it as a mantra 

to stay aligned with the Source 

in chaotic times.

“Life Loves Me!”


Rebuild Your Relationship with Life

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