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Pleiadian Family | Qin-Ra
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- Newgrange Child of Light Initiation - Every Winter Solstice

Born into Love/Light

Photograph by Cyril Byrne - courtesy of The Irish Times

About 2024 theme

2024 Newgrange Child of Light Initiation INSTRUCTIONS


Each year, our Newgrange Initiation Rite highlights a theme. 


2020 theme: Birth a New You

2021 theme: Be a Baby

2022 theme: Return Home

2023 theme: Cosmic Love

2024 theme: On behalf of the children of Gaza


About the 2024 Theme 


“On behalf” means that you incorporate into your rite of passage the plight of the children of Gaza as an aspect of your incentive or intention. You perform this rite not only for yourself but also for the children of Gaza.


The children of Gaza represent all children of Gaia who suffer from maltreatment, deprivation, or even annihilation. By becoming a Newgrange-born Child of Light, you are participating in a symbolic transformation of the human collective:

from death to rebirth. 


If Gaza symbolizes what has gone wrong with humanity, then Newgrange represents what had gone right and will continue to go right.


Gaza shows the problem; Newgrange offers a solution.

Gaza speaks for the historical; Newgrange alludes to the pre-historic and post-historical. 

Newgrange - Gaian Womb - Pleiadian Temple



A year ago, we sent a message urging you to transition from Gaza to Newgrange. A year later, the name of Gaza is still mentioned, carrying even greater weight. Though thousands of miles apart and seemingly unrelated, Gaza and Newgrange are deeply interconnected:


one represents death;

one represents rebirth.

They are two facets of a single initiation for

humanity at the dawn of a new era.

Recently, we sent another message advising you to transition from Gaza to Gaia. This movement of consciousness would naturally lead to the awareness of a Gaian Womb, best represented among all our megalithic temples by Newgrange.

Just as the Child of Light stands as a new archetype emerging in the human awakening at dawn, the Child of Gaza can represent all Gaian children subjected to abuse and destruction during the long night of history—an enduring archetype of human suffering.  


The tens of thousands of children who have died in Gaza did not die in vain. The death of a Child of Gaza is linked to the birth of a Child of Light in the Gaian Womb of Newgrange.



1. When?




Any day from December 20 to December 22 this winter solstice will work. 


During these three days, the "roof-box" window at Newgrange allows direct sunlight to enter the temple's interior for about 17 minutes each morning. 


You may choose to synchronize your ritual act with the exact Sun-Earth solstice point on December 21, 2024, at 9:20 AM UTC, or with the Sun-Newgrange alignment, which occurs from approximately 9:00 to 9:20 AM UTC on Dec. 20, 21, and 22.


You may also select any other suitable timeframe, whether in the morning or evening, to do this ritual in 4D beyond the limitation of 3D time-space. 


The self-initiation rite can last a few minutes or longer, depending on your preference.

2. Where?




Anywhere on Earth.

No need to travel to Newgrange in Ireland in the 3D. 


You can access the astral temple, the Para-Newgrange in the 4th Dimension from wherever you are. Gaia's astral plane of 4D is also the realm of human thoughts and feelings, which you can enter through imagination or visualization.


Any location, whether indoors or outdoors, that supports your journey is suitable, including your bedroom. You could sit on a meditation cushion or even lie in bed.

3. How? For 1st-timers



In a nutshell, you visualize yourself inside Newgrange (the Earth Womb) as a baby born into the golden light of the winter solstice sun. You are reborn as a Child of Light or Child of Ra (i.e., the Sun, who is a portal to the Galactic Sun). 

How? For 1st-Timers


Please read our 2020 instructions and learn about the standard act, which can be repeated every year by the initiates. (Why repeat? Explained in Qin-Ra's 2023 Note)


As a first-timer, your focus should be on yourself. The goal is your own rebirth, not the rebirth of a child who died in Gaza. 


For you, “on behalf of the children of Gaza” rather means that you are aware of the historical context and global significance of this year’s winter solstice during which you are performing an act of transformation. Gaza should remain in the background, rather than being the focal point of your rite of passage. 

How? For 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th-Timers


Already a Newgrange-born, you have been developing your Service Consciousness over the past year or more; your sense of responsibility has grown. Being a Child of Light is another way of being a Light Worker dedicated to helping humanity ascend.


Therefore, “on behalf of the children of Gaza” could come to the fore to be the “why” of you repeating this act of being born into the light. 


How do you do it “on behalf of the children of Gaza"?


1>  During the Rite


You could invite an archetypal Child of Gaza into your rebirth process and let him or her join you in being born into love/light. You see this Child of Gaza as you, or as a part of the greater you who is one with humanity around the globe. You could intentionally include the pain from the death ground of Gaza in this birth process and let the wounded child experience the resurrecting love/light of the spiritual sun, Ra. 



2>  After the Rite


You could dedicate the fruits of your action—the merits of your rite—to the cause of helping the children of Gaza and beyond. You can visualize the merit in any form and place it on an altar in your heart as an offering. In this way, you make a symbolic gesture to contribute all the good karma that you’ve generated from the 2024 winter solstice rite to the healing, transformation, and ascension of humanity.


Here is the key:


​​ ​




Use Newgrange as a symbolic aid to align your heart with the heart of a line of suns.​​​​




Give yourself the best birth

that you can imagine!​​​​​​​



4. Qin-Ra Note
Newgrange Portal Winter Solstice Sun.png
Channeler's Note
Qin-Ra (WJ Qin, Wen-jie Qin)



Winter highlights the theme of death and rebirth. 


Each winter, I participate in the natural movement of Gaia by consciously embracing the death of an old me. “Birthing a new you as Child of Light,” as I’ve come to understand, implies a sustained effort of self-transformation that unfolds each day and culminates each year at the winter solstice.


As a 4-year-old Newgrange-born Child of Light (born on 12.21.2020), I will perform this year’s rite as a 5th-timer. In the past four years, the rites have focused on benefiting myself, but this year will be different.  


It has been a challenging year for me and many others due to the escalation of violent events and the intensification of human suffering. I feel a deep urgency to transform the growing pain of humanity, which weighs heavily on me daily.


I perceive this pain as the birth pangs of a human species that is both dying and being reborn. This winter, I shall enter the Gaian Womb of Newgrange as a representative of the human species struggling in the birth canal.


Every one of us can represent the human species in performing a symbolic act. This isn’t an ego trip but a call from Service Consciousness. 


I could never have imagined such a possibilityimagine myself as a dying Child of Gaza reborn in Newgrange as a Child of Light—this is a new journey into the unknown! I must dedicate several weeks to completing this process of deep transformation.


My next message will come around Imbolc (February 2, 2025). From Winter Solstice to Imbolc, our wheel of time will move through the first of the eight sections of the year. During this period, we undergo a transformation that may not seem drastic enough to warrant celebration. What’s needed in this liminal phase is a deep trust in the power of Gaia as she prepares for spring.


The messages below can help you navigate this transitional phase. Pleiadian messages are often timeless: last year’s message can be highly relevant this year.

What to Do After the Rite?

Happy Birthday #1

Happy Birthday #2 

Happy Birthday #3


Birth is difficult. Who said it is easy? 


When it feels too hard to endure, invoke the archetype of the Trailblazer within you, capable of blowing away all obstacles with the power of spiritual fire.


Burning away all doubts, worries, fears, and pains, the sacred fire can help you through the darkest moments—the most painful stage of birth—before the sunrise into which a new you is born. 




Keep the Fire Burning!

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